A mix of Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua . Chihuahuas range in age from 14 to 16 years, while Jack Russell Terriers range from 13 to 16 years. These friendly, playful and dynamic puppies have inherited some of the best traits from their parents.

Jack Russell Terriers and Chihuahuas are officially recognized as purebred dogs. A Jackie puppy will set you back between $200 and $750 depending on your preference for looks and features. This breed has great energy and.
A jekchi puppy will cost anywhere from $200 to $750, depending on your appearance and feature preferences.
The best time to get a dog like this is before they are 6 months old. You should always go to a reputable breeder for healthy puppies. However, Jack Chee was not recognized by the ACC.
It is believed that Jack Chi hybrids first appeared in the 1980s or 1990s when they were bred for friendship.
Jack Russell Terriers and Chihuahuas are officially recognized as purebred dogs. The Jack Russell Chihuahua is believed to have lived between 13 and 15 years. The Jack Russell Chihuahua Mix is a breed designed by mating a purebred Chihuahua with a purebred Jack Russell Terrier.
Chihuahua mix from Jack Russell, also called Jack Chi;
Jack Russell Chihuahua crosses usually inherit loyal traits from their Chihuahua parents and energetic and energetic characteristics from their Jack Russell parents. A mix of Jack Russell and Chihuahua. These friendly, playful and dynamic puppies have inherited some of the best traits from their parents.
This persistent breed is known for its gentle temperament and very active lifestyle.
If you're planning on becoming a new dad, a yacahua or Jack Chi might be a good choice. The Jack Chi is a relative newcomer to the world of designer dogs and is a Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua cross. Jack Chi is a newcomer to the designer dog scene and is a purebred Jack.
They are friendly, playful and lively little dogs who love to interact with people and are always ready to play.
If you want to see more of this mixed-race, here are 25 photos of him! This mixture is also known as jack chi, jikwa, and jikwa. Because the Chihuahua Jack Russell Terrier is a crossbreed, it is not recognized by any major kennel clubs, including the American Kennel Club (AKC).