Chihuahuas were found stolen by seagulls. Beca Hill's companion bird suddenly fell and saw small things fly away, 4. A seagull kidnapped the chihuahua (Photo:

Search this list for the dog you found. Experts are examining the bone bones found while searching for a missing Chihuahua taken by a seagull, according to a report. (Getty / Manual) Rebecca Hill's beloved Chihuahua Gizmo was kidnapped from her backyard about a week ago, which sparked a national uproar after her return. Unfortunately, the ordeal is not over for the condemned dog owner, who is waiting for the experts to examine the bones of the bones in what may be a minor tactic.
A seagull kidnaps Gizmo the Chihuahua (Image:
Apparently, an isolated puppy's paw dropped by a seagull in a parking lot belongs to Chihuahua Gizmo's disappearance. A Devon dog kidnapped by a seagull with a tiny Chihuahua in its beak is feared to have died. Rebecca Hill, Peyton's owner, tells Devon.
Search this list for the dog you found.
The Sun offered a reward of 5,000 for information that led to Gizmo Chihuahua being conquered by a seagull. Register your lost Chihuahua to be contacted. According to its owners, the seagull grabbed the Chihuahua family pet and ran off with it.
Shocked families claim to have seen a terrifying mysterious body with wings thrown away.
Now it is feared that the little Chihuahua, carried away by a seagull in the owner's yard, has been exterminated. Becca Lewis Hill said a seagull broke in and grabbed Gizmo by the neck in Paignton. Beca Hill's companion bird flew up suddenly and saw a small gift, 4 fly.
These dogs have lost their masters.
Becca Hill, 24, was saddened when a bird jumped on her. Experts are examining the bone bones found while searching for a missing Chihuahua taken by a seagull, according to a report. A woman who was devastated when a seagull stole a Chihuahua from her garden has received new hope from a psychologist.
A British family continues their search for a Chihuahua pet when a seagull picks it up and flies away.
In May 2015, another pet owner in Devon feared that her beloved Chihuahua puppy had been killed by a swarm of seagulls. (Getty / Manual) Rebecca Hill's beloved Chihuahua Gizmo was kidnapped from her backyard about a week ago, which sparked a national uproar after her return. Unfortunately, the ordeal is not over for the condemned dog owner, who is waiting for the experts to examine the bones of the bones in what may be a minor tactic. A bone was found during a furious search for a miniature Chihuahua taken by a seagull.