Chihuahua with long hair cross . Dog breeds can be beautiful, fun և loving. This vocal mix combines the best features of Chihuahua և Dachsund, a lively, loyal, friendly, perfect apartment dweller.

The critical hybrid breed Malchi provides a cross և মধ্যে between the tough and fun Chihuahuas of the Maltese. Poodle Chihuahua with long hair. Her coat can be long or short, depending on her mother, Chihuahua.
He is also a good guard.
The combination will surely steal the heart. Sizes 14 carat to 28 carat Ida are suitable. In fact, the Chihuahua breed is known as the smallest breed of dog in the world.
1092021 We have 11 long haired Chihuahuas և Mixed Pod Pod Dogs 11 pictures, background pictures և etc.
Chihuahua, a small dog with long hair. Set to 7.3 x 9.7 inches (19 x 25 cm): The design is not printed on canvas.
All Chihuahuas are different.
Dogs weigh no more than 12 pounds, grow up to 14 inches, and usually live about 13 years. This Chihuahua long haired dress has a cross stitch set with only full stitching. The Maltese Chihuahua mix is confident, independent, but loyal and energetic.
The cross between Papillon and Chihuahua is called Chion.
Comes from Mexico. This vocal mix combines the best features of Chihuahua և Dachsund, a lively, loyal, friendly, perfect apartment dweller. They need special care and attention to survive.
The long-haired Chihuahua is an ancient breed of dog whose heart is large and very loyal to the long-haired Chihuahua.
Friday, June 12, 2020 The Pixel is named after Polly Gibb for the first time. The happiest girl who loves to play wants to be with her whole family. Dimensions: 24 x 32 cm (9.4 x 12.4 inches) for 16 carat eider. They are the smallest dogs in the world, very loyal to their owners.